Up the mountain, down the mountain, on foot or by mountain bike right through the Sexten mountains. The aim? The journey’s the destination! Well, that’s true, but with the Stoneman there’s also the incentive of the coveted “Stony” trophy! A clear piece of evidence of genuine heroism. Equipped with an engraved bracelet and a chocolate bar, fearless children start out with their parents on this sporting adventure at the heart of the Sexten Dolomites. The 14 km-long mountain bike circular route leads up hill and down dale and even through a rugged river bed. It takes powerful pedalling to overcome the 200 metres of climbs. And those who prefer to throw themselves headlong into an adventure on foot can attack the 6 km-long Stoneman hiking route and look forward to a rewarding challenge with magnificent panoramic views and plenty of fresh air, with a few tests of courage along the way. The only question is whether the parents can keep up…